

So..the Sicilia trip has come and gone. It was amazing - I hope the pictures I took do it better justice than my descriptions, I guess the key things you should take away are this:

1. AMAZING food - just wait for the pictures - WOW. arancini = my life. they're like suppli only loaded with meat and cheases and sometimes peas and stuff..sooo good. (and giant!) - the seafood was out of this world, I ate the best pizza of my life on Stromboli - cook was from napoli and stuffed the crust with ricotta..wat.up. I could go on and on..

2. The air smelled amazing everywhere we went (except for on vulcano...sulfur! - but that's a story for another blog post...and boy, it's a good one) - it was full of honeysuckle and other flowers - just fresh and cool and crisp.. beautiful.

3. I climbed a volcano and saw it erupt!

..okay, I'm putting up the pics - I need to show you this...<3g

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