
It all began with a 12 hour train ride...

...and this was the "bed" on the way back -- sooo tiny!!! You know I seat-belted in..trecherous!!
I top bunked it there and back (we all know I have a fear of the bottom bunk..it's real danger! Beds could collapse at any moment..especially train beds..) but no matter, I like sleeping on trains - maybe in my past life I was a bandit or something..

First, I would like to note - that this mere sachel is all I packed. For one week. that's right! ahah I have officially risen to the ranks of world traveler extroardinaire (now I just have to learn how to spell it..) but yea - ironic thing though: the one, ONE trip I pack light for - is the trip that I need a change of clothes the most - turns out that one pair of jeans and sneaks don't suffice as well as planned after having bathed in a sulfur mudpit "bath" --- I smelled for the rest of the trip after that (dude, so worth it though - life goal CHECK!)...all the island dogs loved me..and it kept away the creepers, but maybe next time I'll suck it up and pack 2 pairs of pants haha ...:/

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