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I'll end it on this beautiful note! Buon weekend a tutti! <3g

Don't you just want to run all around?! I do!!
Best drive of my life.
It's aliiivee!!!..or at least, it was. These guys are everywhere here, and in restaurants you can order wild boar sandwiches with lard --- yeaaaa not that adventurous yet..maybe i'll take it without the fat spread...(also, my hands look ENORMOUS in this foto - I swear..it's the gloves!)
Me and Sara! (On top of the run that was almost my last...)
The sky was angry that day my friends! haha no but we actually had beautiful weather; it was hardly cold and all day it was really clear and sunny. For some reason this one came out ominous..
Does no justice at all.
Finally remembered to ask the name of the mountain: Monte Amiante. yupppp.

Tiramisu' and the case of one earring

Me and Chiara! This was the night after she had taken (and passed!) her last exam. And you can't really tell, but do you see how she's only wearing one earring? That's the style here - the girls where one long, really shhnazzzy earring and then put a stud or something simple in the other ear. At first I was like..do you..knooww that's happening?? haha but now I actually think it's kind of a cute style, too bad I hate earrings.

So Tiramisu' I realized is a play on words in Italian for "pick me up!" haha well said, baker, well said. but yea, there's this fantastic place on Corso Vannucci that wraps it up like a present when you take it to go. Suucch a good day :)

probably the greatest picture ever

This pretty much sums up Carnevale. haha oh, and the guy with the feathers? yeaaaa. haha but no, that's my friend Matt - the one who studies in Rome and per chance we ran into each other randomely, masked, at night, in the streets of venice, during carnevele, with thousands of other masked and costumed and crazzy people all around..twice! life is great.


helloo all!

here are some more ski pics I got from Michele, one from Venice I can't believe I haven't already posted (amazing.) and some random shots from when Roberto was still here - :(.

All's good in Perugia - the weather is beauuutiful! All the cafes have put their tables and umbrellas outside and everyone walks around or basks on the steps in Piazza Novembre. I took an epic nap in my favorite place - the garden near the round church - yesterday, which was glorious and today I stayed outside for hours at a cafe with a book, one of my favorite things to do. Tomorrow i'm going to Spoleto for the day probably with Chloe and Justyna - and tonight Donatella and Viviana are taking us to the "megaplex" (a theatre with more than 2 screens! oh boy! haha) and for a movie i've been dying to see -- the only thing: popcorn doesn't exist in Italy, so I don't know how I'm going to make it through the movie without my usual raisenetts and popcorn snack: the best combination of salty and sweet...*sigh* life is hard.

haha but I realized that haven't seen a movie in over 2 months, so I'm actually really excited! the other day I tried to see a movie with my german friend, Jenny, and Michele, but we got the times wrong and ended up getting aperativo instead. But while we were in the theatre, I was so excited bc I forgot the whole "movie experience" - ya know? the smell of the snacks (well, they don't really do that here, but I imagined) and the lights and the movie posters hanging and all that ...okay i'm a goof, but eee, can't wait! haha <3g


pics and more pics of the latest happenings in my life

...okay meter pics are still to come. my bad on that one. but stay tuned, trust me it's a pic worth seeing -- amazing! these are the last from the ski trip, one more of venice i just had to throw in, and some other randoms...<3g


heads up about tonight..

METER pizza!

..stay tuned for epic photos.


heads up about tonight..

METER pizza!

..stay tuned for epic photos.


Roberto's last night in Italia!

haha and this is just a funny pic <3you chloe!

So, my great great friend Roberto sadly had to leave Italy to go back to Cile last week :( (But me and my friends already have a reunion planned: Cile for new years! it's happening. also, he's coming to Boston for the 4th!) but anyway, we sent him off properly: giant dinner, gifts, karaoke....and perhaps a few sips of wine to make for better singing. haha what a night - I miss you Roberto!

How the Perugians do Carnevale

Me and Marissa. (and yes, the "girl" behind us..that's a guy. haha)

Okay, a tad out of order. My friend Marissa invited me to her friend's place who was having a Carnevale/graduation party. The guy that graduated had on a cow costume and everyone signed the back, and all night his friends would interrupt whatever was going on and sing these songs making fun of him - it was hilarious. I love how people really are the same everywhere; what a blast!

my favorite spot in Perugia

Who needs a cooler when you have a shoe?
This dog totally jacked the aviators off the guy next to us picnicking. haha i learned that you don't ever mess with an italian man's shades.

Nothing is better than a Saturday afternoon nap with friends - when you should be studying for your exam. haha but this garden is really nice, it's in front of the round church and that day there were only a few other people there and someone was playing the guitar for a while; it was the perfect way to relax.

more scenic drive!

best car ride of my life!

So last Friday, Sara and I went skiing with our Italian friend, Michele. He drove us to this mountain in Tuscany - beautiful! The drive was about 2 hours, and even if for some reason the mountain had been closed when we got there, it still would have been a great day. The drive was spectacular! I just wanted to jump out of the car and run all around - it was 2 glorious hours of rolling hills and vineyards, and grazing sheep and little hilltop villages that have been resting there since the beginning of time or close to it - amazing is the only word that comes to mind. And even in the winter everything is green! Michele said that in the summer the countryside is full of wild flowers. Anyway, here are few pics from the drive - I'll post mountain pics as soon as I get them from Michele! <3g (ps: and for all you americans, it's meee.KEL.ay. think the Italian version of Michael - NOT MICHELLE!) hahah

ps - the mist behind us? it's covering a lake!

annnnd still sara

Grandpa, remember when you made me those green elf shoes? well for my next pair I'd like...hahah
okay okay - there may or may not be a few more headshots than normal...accident?

We bonded.

still by Sara

I finally found my people, and they are glorious.
just a casual lunch between friends..

more venice! - these are all pics by my friend Sara

oh beautiful sandwiches of Venice, I will never forget you *sigh*

Always a lady.