
brief-ish note

Okay so that's all of the pics I'm going to post for a few. I'm about to leave the library and head home for a quick lunchy. I had my three hour "lingua italiana" class this morning, which I really like, it's just a tad on the long side. One of the things I like about the Stranieri is that since everyone is foreign, the common language is Italian (except, of course for the americans in my program. but there are only about 15 of us, and we're in different levels.) so it's italian allll the time.

After class I went to this outdoor market and bought some cashmier-esque socks -- they were only 5 euro for 3, so there's absolutely no way they're real cashmiere, but that's what they feel like :). Later today me and some friends are taking the mini-metro down to the Grande Coop (tipo costco), to buy some house stuff - I NEED towels..i've been using just the one (yes, one) I brought and it's getting a leeeetle worn out. haha i know, i'm disgusting - but it's actually quite difficult to find stores here that sell practical things.

For example, I found a department-esque store but they only had one of each thing, like just one trash can (not one type - one.) and one mirror..etc. haha it's kind of funny. Oh, Italian life you sleigh me. I love it. and obviously, I'm not looking in the right places.

Tonight I'm going to Apperitivo (spelling? yes?) with some friends. Apperitivo is like happy hour only better because there's a buffet. But when they say buffet they mean small finger foods - but some places do it better than others.

I guess that's pretty much it for today. I had a really fun time with my roommates last night. We all had dinner together and when we were cleaning, Chiara got something lodged under her nail (haha okay sorry - that's not fun, awkward description) but anyway, it was hilarious trying to get it out and we all stayed up pretty late talking. I invited Chiara and Donatella to come stay with me anytime, so we were making all of these hypothetical plans, like we'd go to D.C. and then NYC, it would be soo fun. The US is seriously their dream - it's funny just bc Italy has always been mine. They kept on saying things like "sara' un sogno, un sogno" - a dream.

okay - i'm getting hungry and the fresh mozzarella I bought is calling me (haha in italian you would say - la mozzarella fresca mi squilla - isn't that cute??) i love this language :)

Oh, real quick - yes I know i'm going on and on - and I'm sure you've all stopped reading by now, I would. I got the best compliment yesterday! there's this older guy in my class (oops forgot his name..he's from Greece so it's something greek like constantinople only not that..) anway, he's really nice and I was talking to him and he told me that he thought that I was italian - like a real one here! and that i speak really well :) haha and he's like way older so it's not like it was false flattery or something..i think he was telling the truth! haah i'm such a loser but it was like the best thing someone could say. he was like - you're not from here? but your family - they must be italian (this conversation was in italian, i don't think he speaks english) - you look so italian, and you speak so well! yay :)

okay - really gotta run. a dopo amici!



  1. Aperitivo.

    Spero di non dover correggere tutti i suoi saggi hahaha.

    Ma ti scherzo :-)

    Senza dubbio, tutti noi andremmo a trovarti (e Liz, certo) se potessimo. Ma ce la facciamo. Mi fa male sfogliare le tue foto perché mi fa mancare TANTO l'Italia. Non vedo l'ora di tornare

    Il semestre qui comincia fra poco. Ti faremo sapere di tutto. Divertiti!

  2. Aw almenno il tuo tempo da solo nell'appartamento e' quasi finito!
