


haha today was one of the Patron Saint of Perugia's feast day. (There are 3 all together). Anyway, there was a big festival and everyone got the day off (yipeee). Just outside of Perugia is this beautiful church - dedicated to St. Costanzo (not at all how you spell his name) - and there were mass's (masses? no, not right at all haha services, not hoards of ppl) every hour all day.

The interesting part? There's this superstition that if you go to the church today and look St. Costanzo's statue in the eye - and he winks at you - you'll find your husband/get married within the year.


Okay..I may have gone - but totally not for that reason. haha and I was stoned faced by 'ol Costanzo anyway - no wink for Gabby - so ..phew! haha ;)


An orange of a different color..

I was terrified the first time I cracked open an orange..but you get used to it. They taste the same (maybe a little bit better - the effect of no chemicals) and you get over the fact that it looks like your orange is bleeding everytime you take a bite ;)

Mom, how jealous are you right now? haha

window to the world

Edmond Dantes moment.

The sky was angry that day my friends...

This one's for you mom

look at that sky!


They're very passionate about politics here. I don't think I need to translate this one..
Oh, and this is a self-portrait my new boyfriend drew. hahah I know..i'm hillaaaarrrious.

It looks like a watercolor!
This is where me and my gang park our bikes.


Also nearby

...are tons of Monostaries. It's like a whole neighborhood of bros -- I mean, Brothers of God. :)

Guess what a 5 minute walk from my house will get you?

...a view of a beautiful castle! I just realized that I live within 5 minutes of this castle/tunnel thing (clearly I have more investigating to do..) and church..take a look!


This is what happens when you pay 5 euro for an umbrella


Italians are always striking something - right now it's the trains. Gotta love their passion though

I promised you pictures - tada!

Italian sunday

Aw I had such a perfect, and almost cliche' Italian sunday today.

In short - it began with going to mass at the Duomo (incredible - there are two saints buried within the church as well - it was spectacular.) Then, when we were leaving, Chloe and I heard again this guy who plays everyday near Piazza Novembre the music from Amelie on an accordian. He plays so well - and I read in a guidebook that he actually co-wrote the soundtrack to Amelie with Yann Tiersen. For all of you who may not be aware of this - the Amelie soundtrack is probably the most played on my iTunes - this is really cheesy but it kind of changed my life a little bit. So the fact that I'm here in Italy - town of my dreams, and every day when I walk up and down these tiny, narrow, ancient stone streets I am serenaded to this music that I love - it's amazing.

Anyway, I wanted to ask this guy (he's such a character, he plays everyday and he has these long dreads and wears striped, baggy hobo esque pants) if it was really true that he worked with Yann Tiersen - but an older couple beat me to it.

Chloe and I waited around for a little while -the weather is beautiful and there were people all around - Sunday is a big day for Perugians lol - so I didn't mind. But eventually we decided to just come back another day. As soon as we walked away, so did the couple that was talking to accordian man (figures) and accordian man started playing again....chance gone. But I wasn't giving up this one - I had to know - so I asked the couple all about him and we got in this really good conversation.

The man is a Prof. of Art at a University in Le Marche region and he and his wife gave us all this advice of places to go and things to see - they were so cute - and he told us to look him up should we ever be in Le Marche (done). Anyway, the man, Atiglio, talked with accordian man because he loves music (and "lui e' bravo, bravo!") and he invited accordian man to play at his house for a dinner party he's having (so Italian - and accordian man accepted).

Then Chloe and I got caffe at this beautiful cafe' and tonight after I do my translation and other homework we're going to see a movie with Donatella.

Oh - and last night! Sorry this is getting long so I'll make it short (I know I always say that - oops.). Last night was so fun. Luca invited Caitlin and I to a party his friend Michele was having - it was actually a going away/bday party bc Michele is going to Sweden through Erasmus next Tuesday. But anyway - it was so fun. They live in this apartment in the center of perugia in this hidden little allyway. There were about 15 of us and we talked about the craziest things. Like at one point, Michele, this guy Mattia and I got in a friendly argument over who is worse - Bush or Berlusconi. haha but we ended up compromising that the two are bros so theyre both pretty bad.

Hilarious. Also, Michele's friends gave him a cake and before he blew out the candles he pulled an Obama and said (in Italian - no one spoke english) "Voglio chiudere Guantanamo, vorrei cambiare il mondo..." (I will close Guantanamo, I would like to change the world..!) hahaha but I think that Caitlin and I may have been the only one's who got his reference.

Oh, and one other thing. When I got there one of the guys thought I was greek! haha but (and this keeps happening) the other guys were like no, no -can't you tell she's calabrese?? -- how do they know where i'm from?! crazy!

hahaha okay this is long enough - i'll make up for my ramblings with pictures. get excited!



did i already post these?

The story behind this one is good: whilst people watching from a window (wow. creepy.) this guy stops in front of the window, i'm assuming, because he didn't think anyone was watching (sucker. haha) anyway, for about 15 minutes he just stood there, checking his reflection and fixing/gelling his hair. ohhh Italian men.


Aw, today in lecture I raised my hand to say something and my prof said:

"ecco - la nostra italiana in america" -- Our italian (who lives in) america :)

sorry, but i loved that. wanted to share - sorry i'm so pretentious...
Sahar - only for you would I sacrifice all self-pride to creepily take a picture of your dream man. Italian, bearded - styyylish. haha my friend chloe told me that he saw - and then we immediatly left. I hope you appreciate this! haha ;)
Look! Far right corner - this is Italian security dress-code!! hahaha I don't get it either -- hard hats??

Whooo -- my laundry is still wet.