

I had a lot I wanted to type, but now I kind of don't feel like it (sorry). I'll summarize. Today was a really good day. I did/hung my laundry for the first time (no judgment- I know i've been here two weeks, but whatever- I'm an environmentalist okay? / Lazy and gross.) Anyway, I felt extremely Italian close-pinning my laundry on my balcony, until Donatella caught me taking a picture of it ..shame. hahah but stay tuned for the pics.

Aw poor Donatella. She had one of her exams at 3 today. It's for engineering - so she was doing pages and pages of the most horrible math problems i've ever seen - seriously, it gave me nightmares. But anyway, get this - her exam is oral. Crazy italians. haha that's pretty normal though. and it's usually in front of the whole class too. :(. she's been studying all week but this smorning she looked at me and said "io non capito niente" - she's confused. the next i saw her she was chain smoking ciggarrettes on the balcony - stressss!

Ooh - I also went exploring today and found two of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen. They were both so different though. One was small - but really really cavernous, and all of the ancient frescos were peeling off the walls (legit). The other was Florence Duomo-esque with wall paintings in the Caravaggio style - heavy use of shadow and darkness with abrupt, severe interjections of light. I like caravaggio. Anyway, the second was so beautiful and intricate - it was actually moving - I can't wait to go to Mass there sunday.

Hmmmmm whattt elseeee. I'm about to go back to the Stranieri for a lecture by two (allegedly lol) famous italian journalists.

OH! Today when I went to the "Sapone e Acqua" (literally soap and water haha) to buy laundry soap and THANK HEAVANS i asked the girl if i was, indeed, buying detergant bc i had in my hot little hand not detergant but..but..bleech!!!! oh.my.goodness! seriously - PHEW. close call. This is definitly too much info (i'm assuming everyone has stopped reading by now anyway), but seriously, i haven't done laundry since i got here - it alllll woulda been white.

wow. close one! i probably thanked her 40,000 times. she loved me/didnt. haha

okay, i'm done with this for today - i'll post pictures soon. i know that's what youre after! hahah i've got good ones coming!

oh, ps - last night i went out to l'apperativo with a bunch of italians -- it was soo fun! but more on that later :)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh...what if you'd bleached your wardrobe?? your carefully chosen, "un-American" wardrobe??? hahahahhaha that would be HILARIOUS, you must admit ;)
    <3 <3 <3
