
Quick note

Last night was really fun. I went over to this guys Geoff's house - one of the kids in my program, for dinner and I met his two Italian roommates, Luca e Sara. They are hilarious! I love them. Sara is from somewhere in the south, and as we all know - northern Italy is so racist against the south for many reasons one of which being all of their mafia problems. But Sara and Luca are really tight - there's not an actual hatred, but they make fun of each other so much. Like Luca tells Sara that she's African (bc she lives so far south) and Sara told Luca he's German and everything was a competition. For example, Sara gave me this cheese called Cacciafuori -which I loved, and so she was gloating that she won because it was southern cheese.

haha but anyway, last night was amazing - no one spoke english and we all talked for hours. it was soo much fun. and they cook incredible pasta :)

Today I had classes - alllll day. Tuesday is my worst day, but the others aren't that bad and I only have one class on Friday. My classes are really intense, and a little intimidating - especially Letturatura, but I can tell I'm going to learn a ton. :) The school is absolutely beautiful, it's Versaille-esque..no joke. I'll post some pictures so you can all believe me.

Ciao - a dopo!

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