

One of the things I love about Italia is how friendly everyone is. I know this sounds incredibly stupid, but I make friends everywhere I go (haha love me anyway). When I signed up for my student card today (totally legit, free wireless and discounts everywhere) - the women were so chatty and cute, and they complimented my italian - yay! It was good timing because I was feeling kind of down after this smorning. I read this sentence: "quello del matrimonio sembrava pero' un soggetto tabu'" - the subject of marriage was relevent but it always seemed a tabu subject - (not the most accurate translation but you get the idea - im having trouble finding the best way to say it in english). anyway, i got kind of sad bc i would never think to phrase that idea like that - it's really italianized. just by the use of "pero'" and the general syntax :( i speak italian like an american, and that has to change! haha so the compliment by the italian (stylish italian) woman made me feel better.

they also told me that I look extremely italian (what up), which I actually get a lot. When Viviana and I met, the first thing she said to me was "sei Calabrese, no?" -- she actually pin-pointed the region! haha so i may not have the language down but at least i can blend! (until i open my mouth or take a picture, then my cover is completely blown..)

also, after the carta giovane (student card) chloe and I went to get a cafe' (i've moved on to double espressos now..oh goodness, it's the beginning of the end..) anyway - by the time we left we had made such good friends with the barista - she invited us to a dinner and we all exchanged numbers - it was really cute. i think half the reason why italians are so friendly though is because they are sooo interested in america -that's all they ever want to talk about! I just wish they knew how lucky they are to be italian -- but I know, I know, being american has it's benefits too..i guess...haha.

one more thing about italian interests - i've gotten asked soo many times what i normally eat for breakfast...so strange! haha Donatella explained that it's bc when they watch american shows or movies, ppl always eat these giant giant breakfasts with sausage and pancakes, etc. i guess i never really thought about that before. like, for example, francesco asked me that question at dinner and when i was like..ummm a bagel? he was like - and then you still eat lunch?? haha italians have like a shot of espresso in the morning (or two) and then feast in the afternoon - none of this eggs and toast nonsense. i'm not even going to begin to try to explain brunch..haha

more later, <3g

1 comment:

  1. haha, that's hilarious -- and then you still eat lunch? this is funny and i'm SO glad you're making village friends!!! :) i miss you, gabs.
