
okay, sorry - last picture of just me. But jeez - look how big my feet are in this pic..ouch! haha
We didn't have the masks on not 5 minutes when this girl from Barcelona was like - "can i get a picture with you?!" haha

It wasn't even that expensive!
So, I later found out that my sketch-ball roommate was actually taking a picture of the cute guy sleeping next to me. I feel stupid. haha but train pic!
That's not even the half of it.
What?!?! Elton!?!?

For Carnevale in Venice, even grown men get their faces painted.
This is actually a tragic story. There were so many people flogging (flogging?) the streets - the police literally had to come out and direct people traffic - that I never got to go back and eat one, or two. It was a war zone out there man. a war zone! hahah so all I have is this photo to remember you by *sigh*

Oh captian jack, you sleigh me. haha
In Venice, they build houses on columns.

Who says the water in Venice is dirty?? ..
a smidge redundant.

And in come the Venetians - a close second to the men/style of Firenze...

ahhh, creeeepy!!
This guy knows what's up.


Basically, the Venetians (and other people too - I heard some french) dress up in these elaborate costumes (word on the street says they plan all year) and they walk around all day, usually completely silent..you have no idea who they are..and just get photographed! people swarm them like they're celebs and they love it! they stop at every corner, on every bridge, in front of every street and just pose -- umm..i'm doing it. But they're usually in pairs..any takers??

First thing I saw when I walked out my front door (not to brag..but come on! haha)

Just my front door. you know, nothing special.

It was amazing to have a living room again!!

Great shot of Venice huh?

In no order of relevence..but they're all Venezia

You can do anything in a mask!

This pretty much captures how I felt the whole weekend haha (no, but really) - Caitlin took this pic too.

This is everyone I went with: (left to right) Amanda, Chloe', me, Sara, Caitlin and Monica :) We're in front of San Marco's..I swear!! haha it was either get us or the church..sooo we picked us.